Fitty - Fitty Martini


You can argue all you like about Martinis, and plenty might, but when a drink only has two (ish) ingredients it’s important to be precise.
However, the 50/50 for us remains, conversely, both the original and the new kid.
It was there at the beginning, forgotten for 150 years, then revived and renamed, with a knowing wink, as a Fitty-Fitty Martini by New York’s never to be forgotten Pegu Club (2005).
There have been two golden ages of cocktails. The 50/50 was there for both. You can stop arguing now.


60ml The London Vermouth Company No.3 S.E. Dry

60ml Jensen’s Bermondsey gin

a dash of orange bitters

Lemon Peel, Opies Cocktail Onions or possibly both


Chill a glass* with ice or pre-chill earlier in the day in your freezer

Combine our No.3 S.E. Dry, Jensen’s Bermondsey gin & bitters in an iced mixing glass and stir

(If you can’t hear yourself stir you’re doing it right)

Double strain into a chilled coupe

Twist the lemon peel over the glass to release its essential oils then use to garnish

Maybe add an onion too

*Julia Childs used to drink 50/50 Martinis in a tumbler. Just saying.